I am trying to start a cupcake catering business, of course this is if I can get through all the crap, I mean forms the Health Dept wants filled out and scrape together the $150 for them to look at the paper work. Which leads me to my review of The Cupcake Tower. I have an adjustable 5 tier metal stand, which I love but the metal is so, well metal and the edges are too thin to get ribbon to stay on to cover them, so I wanted a new stand.
So what do you do when you want something, GOOGLE IT!! Which brings me to The Cupcake Tower, thank you Google! The one thing that intrigued me was it is two sisters' who have a Grandpa, who made them a stand for their younger sister's wedding and they then decided to market it online. Being a successful online business owner at one time, I always like to support these ventures as long as the product is good. I e-mailed the girls with a few questions and place my order for the tiny cupcake stand since just starting a business, not much $$$ to afford the larger size just yet. I also told them I would review the item once I received it and pass along the word to my other Cupcake Friends if I liked it. The one thing I always strive for as an online business owner was customer service because one wrong e-mail or missed order could send the message boards a buzz with negative comments, so I must tell you how happy I was to find a business that had my same feelings to service!!
REVIEW: The Cupcake Tower
Before placing my ordered, e-mailed with questions - received replies to my e-mails the same night: A+
Placed my order on Oct 16th - received my item on Oct 21 - A+
Quality of packed item - A+ - I think the box & contents could of handled a tornado just fine
Quality of product - A - PRO: very sturdy, thick and washable CON*: the tier just sit on the bases, if bumped could go down.
Set-up & instructions - A - PRO: packed with the ribbon CON: would like them to be a bit bigger and a bit more detailed.
Ribbon Detail - INGENIOUS!!! Will be so easy to swap out different colors, patterns & trims to fit any occasion!
Would I recommend this to cupcaker's every where - YES!!!
* This problem can be solved easily with the use of a Glue Dot in the center of the base, then when you are done, the glue dot just comes off and you disassemble it.
If you can afford the Large Size Cupcake Tower, go for it!!! If not, the tiny is perfect for holding 32 regular size cupcakes and I am sure if you want to upgrade with more tiers at a later time, Jennifer & Joy would accommodate.
These are a work of art ... Grandpa did a fabulous job in creating what I think will become the cupcake standard for all events to come. Congratulations Joy & Jennifer, your product brings elegance and class to any occasion!
Now I must bake cupcakes to take a picture of my new Cupcake Tower!!